Womack Family | Mountain Family Photos
The Womack Family has grown! I've loved photographing the Womacks in the past. Senior photos, newborn photos, and now family photos! Tricia and Travis Womack have four kids, two of which have kids of their own! The newest additions, Baby Marley and Baby Ivan, joined us for their first family session. Baby Ivan even wore the outfit his big brother wore for their last family photos!

Tony Grove was such a perfect location for the Womack Family Session. In August, it still looks like June! It's the prettiest mountain location I know, and my personal favorite for photos. The lake was so beautiful, and Daylen even got to fish after photos for a little while. The Womacks even treated us to a picnic dinner beforehand with croissant sandwiches and cookies!
We had so much fun, and it was the perfect start to Fall Family Sessions. Click here to book your Family Photos! Below are some of my favorites from the Womack Family Session.