Instax Mini 9 | Product Review
Thinking of buying an Instax Mini 9 Polaroid-type camera? This review has been one of my most asked for and highly anticipated, because everyone wants one of these! These cameras are so popular for their colors and design, printable features, and compatible accessories. I'll let you know all you need to before purchasing.
I have the Instax Mini 9 in ice blue. The camera, and all of the accessories and supplies I use are linked at the bottom, so you can purchase them if you like. I have the ice blue case, Instax album for the photos, and I use the white border film.

When I first got this camera, I had high hopes. I'm such a camera nerd, and I love to see how different cameras work, so I was very excited to add a printing camera to my collection. I'm happy to say I wasn't let down! This camera really impressed me. I love how easy it is to use, and how pretty it looks! It has five settings for different lighting situations like cloudy, sunny, and indoors.
The film is very easy to use. You unwrap the case, and put it in the back of the camera. Then, you press the shutter button once to expel the case cover that is protecting the film from light exposure. After that, you're ready to go! Each film pack comes with ten films, and there is a counter that tells you how many you have left. There is a viewfinder you can use to set up the shot, and most come with a selfie attachment for the lens. That silver patch next to the lens is a selfie mirror!

The film is very good. I love how the photos turn out, just like classic film! They are very high in contrast, so you'll need to make sure your camera is on the right lighting setting so everything is well lit. It's fun to bring this along on all of our adventures because it's so compact I can fit it easily in my purse or camera backpack, or carry it by itself with the shoulder strap. I've even taken it on hikes!
Overall, this is a great camera. I was amazed at how reasonably priced it is, along with it's accessories! Everything works perfectly, and the photos turn out amazing. It's so fun to have instantly printed photos. Click any of the photos below to view and shop! These are the exact products I use.
Instax Mini 9 ice blue (click above to view)
Fujifilm Instax Mini Film (click above to view)
Instax Mini 9 Case ice blue (click above to view)
Instax Mini Film Album ice blue (click above to view)