Andrea & Taylor | Cache Valley Engagements
Andrea and Taylor were such a dream to work with! They love laughing together. I asked Andrea to tell me about how they met and got engaged, so here in her own words, is their love story!
"We met in August of 2016, he had just come up to Logan from Herriman to go to school. We met at Western swing at the fun park, he asked me to dance and as we were talking I told him I was a phlebotomist at Logan regional hospital and he told me he just got hired on in the ER. For the next year I’d see him because we worked around the same time and he’d bring body fluids back for us to test (blood, urine, poop occasionally, super romantic). I kinda liked him, but he always seemed to be dating someone.

The last semester of my RN year of nursing school we had to precept, or work under the direction of a nurse, for about 135 hours. I was assigned to precept in the ER. Over the 2 months I was working in the ER, we became better friends. On a slow night we’d eat dinner together in the break room. I really started to like him, but I couldn’t tell if he liked me to. So after I was finished precepting, I decided to ignore him as much as possible, so I wouldn’t like him as much. Fortunately, he was not one that could be ignored. If he came in and I was focusing (or pretending to focus) on my computer, he’d walk over and start talking to me.
My family owns a dude ranch up Logan Canyon. We take people on horse rides. Taylor knew this, one day he came back and asked me how much a ride would cost. I was going to tell him and then a split second before the price rolled out of my mouth I realized, being a college student, he probably wouldn’t be able to afford it. So instead I said “I could just take you some time.” He got excited and said “Really? You sure?” I couldn’t back out so I said I would. He asked for my number and we set a date.

The horse ride was a lot more fun than I expected it to be. Taylor was easy to talk to and pleasant to be with. Both of my parents happened to be there that day, so they met him. He left to get a jacket and my mom commented that he seemed like a nice I and asked if I thought we’d go out again. I laughed and told her that he was just a friend and if something was going to happen it would have already.
We didn’t talk for a couple weeks, then he texted me from Lake Powell one day out of the blue. We talked back and forth for a bit, he said he had fun on our ride, I told him I did too, and then added that we should hang out again sometime. I said it mostly to be polite, I didn’t expect him to agree with me. So we set up another date. We made pizza, then drove out to a pasture and talked about traumas we had seen in the ER, as we looked at the stars.
We didn’t really talk for a couple weeks again, and then my dad got bucked off a horse we were thinking about buying. He broke 10 ribs and his scapula, bruised his lung and hit his head pretty hard. He had to be brought down the canyon in an ambulance. My mom and I raced to the ER and got there as Taylor was wheeling my dad back into the room from his CT scan. Taylor looked at me then down at my dad and suddenly recognized who he was. Taylor was very helpful for the rest of the time my dad was in the ER.
About a week after my dad’s accident, I was having a rough day. I needed help with a few things and felt that I should text Taylor. I ignored the feeling for awhile and then decided to text him. He helped me with the stuff I needed help with, listened to me vent, and was just a really good friend. As he was leaving I asked if he wanted to go for a horse ride again. He did.

I put a lot more effort into our second horse ride. I took him on my favorite ride and afterwards we took our rzr out to a place called Gibson Lakes. We ate sandwiches, then drove back, got into the car and came home. We watched a movie with my Grandma, then as he was leaving, he asked me on another date, kissed me and left. We became “a couple” a few weeks later.
I had dated a lot before Taylor and I got together, but I was amazed at how different it was dating Taylor. We were always finding ways to serve each other, we started a game where we would leave notes in random places for the other one to find, sometimes we’d go early in the morning or late at night to hide notes for each other. I felt so much peace and happiness through our relationship.

On January 2nd, I was supposed to work at the hospital (at this point I had a job as a nurse and I was working nights). The census was low so I got cut. At 10:00, the staffing coordinator called me and told me I was cut until 2:00 am, and then they needed me to come watch a patient in the ER. At 1:40 am I walked in (feeling rather grumpy). I looked for Taylor because I knew he was working that night. I couldn’t see him. The charge nurse told me about the patient I was supposed to be watching, and the more she talked, the less I wanted to watch the patient. She then told me the patient kept shutting the door to his room and asked me to open it, introduce myself, and tell him he had to leave it open. I opened the door to find Taylor dressed up in a tux. Music started playing, he said some stuff that I didn’t hear because I was so shocked, then asked me to marry him. And at 1:48 in the morning, I said yes."