Maskcara Milk Moisturizer | Product Review
Recently, I did a poll on my Instagram story asking if you liked product reviews. I was surprised to see that 97% of you said yes! So, I've added a Product Review category to my blog, and am currently writing all about my favorite products. I love writing product reviews! I know it might not seem like any one likes reviewing things, but I promise I do. Just ask Daylen. I have reviewed Chick-fil-A almost every time we've visited partly for the coupon I get and partly because I really enjoy giving reviews. I'm a review nerd, what can I say!

When I first tried Maskcara's Milk Moisturizer, I had already heard all of the things it promised to cure, and I was skeptical. On that list is eczema. My first experience with eczema was as a toddler, when I had the itchy red spots on my knees and elbows. Since then, it has come back a few times recently, and I currently am struggling with eczema patches on my legs. I've tried cortisone and advanced therapy lotion, and it never goes away. So, when I first received a sample of Milk Moisturizer, I knew exactly what I was going to try it on first.
After one use, I already felt less itchy. Not an impossible 'the itch is gone forever after one use' thing, but I could definitely tell it was working. After three uses, two days apart for each, it was gone. I couldn't believe it! I am not kidding with you guys, I really have no more eczema patches on my legs. At. All. I was not expecting it to work this good.
I can't speak for the other problems Milk promises to solve like redness, dark spots, wrinkles, and psoriasis because I didn't have all of those to test it on. But, if it works as well as it does for eczema, it's well worth a try. Of course, milk moisturizer isn't just for those with skin problems. To test how it works as a regular face moisturizer, I used it on my face for a week straight and tracked the results.
The first thing I noticed when I used it for the first time was how amazing it smelled! The moisturizer I used before smelled fine, mostly like sunscreen, but I was OK with it. Milk, on the other hand, smells so amazing I can't even describe it to you. Just trust me.
It's not too heavy, and not to liquid-y. The moisturizer I used before was too liquid-y, and I couldn't really tell if it was wearing off as I was putting it on. Milk is a little heavier, but not heavy enough where I really noticed it was there. The one thing I didn't like as much about the texture was that it was just heavy enough it wouldn't spread as far as my liquid-y moisturizer. This is just a preference thing, though.
After a week of using Milk on my face, I noticed my face was softer, and my dark spots were lighter. My level of adult acne hadn't changed one way or the other, so I concluded that Milk didn't effect it at all. I have heard, however, that for some people it reduces acne. I have naturally oily skin as well, and I noticed that my level of oiliness had gone down quite a bit since using Milk, which is pretty awesome for a moisturizer. (Pictured below: Tres Leches Package with Milk Moisturizer by Maskcara)
Overall, I loved trying Milk Moisturizer by Maskcara Beauty. It cured my eczema faster than I thought possible, and worked amazingly for my face as well! If you're looking for a cream moisturizer that smells amazing, brightens your skin, and works for any skin problems you can think of, I highly recommend Milk Moisturizer.
You can purchase it here by itself, or with it's matching toner and cleanser. Enjoy!