Sister Sanford | Sister Missionary Session at the Ogden Temple
This Wednesday, I had the opportunity to photograph one of my friends from high school, just two weeks before she leaves on an LDS mission to Copenhagen, Denmark! Taylor and I were in French class together all throughout high school. She is the sweetest, happiest, most smiley girl. Taylor loved learning French, and is so excited to learn Danish as well! I am so excited for her to go on a mission, something I know she has been wanting to do for a while.

When we got to the Ogden Temple, it was cold and cloudy. After I set my camera up and met Taylor, it was snowing. In May! I had checked the weather before and it said partly cloudy! We made the best of the dark snowy weather and continued the shoot. Taylor's mom joked that she should get used to this weather since she's going to Denmark.

Taylor's lovely mom was there to help out, thankfully, and even held the umbrella over my camera during the worst parts of the snow. Despite the weather, we had a fun photo session. Taylor was such a trooper! She was wearing a dress with shorter sleeves in the snow.

It was such a pleasure to be able to photograph Sister Sanford! Some of my favorite photos are below.