Our roof is finally shingled! Our trusses and roof sheeting were put on November 7, so our roof has been waiting quite a while to be shingled. Our shingles were postponed due to winter weather and arrived in January. Now that our house is completely dried in we are ready for drywall!
During our time shingling, sub contractors came to our house to get the things done that we don't do. We now have heating, electrical, and plumbing in. There were a few more odds + ends we did while the subs were working on our house. Our inspection is this week, and next week we'll get insulation and drywall!

First, we worked on the back half of the roof. Our house plan is the longest there is in the program, so even though the back is easier than the front, it took a while. We were out every Sunday working on it, in addition to our Tues-Thurs and Saturday hours. Thankfully, we had some volunteers come and help out. Thanks to the Womacks, Kati, and Bingham for all of your help on the back!
I finished up my radon pipe and we moved on to the front! There we also a bunch of vents we had to put in on the back of the roof for plumbing and attic ventilation. Besides that, the back was mostly not too difficult.
We did get to choose shingle colors, back when we made all of our house choices in September. We chose "rustic black," which is mostly black with some dark gray. We like the black because of how new it looks and how it goes with the rest of our colors. Some other color options were green, brown, gold, gray, and red.
The front was a little more difficult, but still not too bad. Daylen said shingling is one of his favorite parts so far, surprisingly. We started by shingling the gables (pop-outs) since the valleys are the hardest part. The red dust on our roof is from our chalk-line making sure everything is straight. Once those were done we moved on to the rest of the front. We had to pause at the very end because of snow, but we did the back vents and very top last. This past weekend we worked for 40 hours between Saturday and Sunday getting it done.
Now that shingles are done our house is finally completely dried in! Just in time for nice weather, haha. I'm so excited to do finish work. All 8 houses are framed now, so we don't have to frame anymore!
In the mean time, sub contractors were working on our HVAC (heat), electrical, and plumbing. Now that they're done, we are ready for our inspection and insulation!
As always, we love having volunteers out to help us get hours. If you can make it out even for a couple hours any Saturday, we'd really appreciate it. We'll need lots of volunteers especially Saturday, March 28 to get our hours! Let me know if you're available.
