We live in our house! What?! After a little over a year we are finally here, open house night. In our program, after all 8 homes are finished and ready to move in, we have a big open house. Usually this includes food, bouncy house, treats, etc. Due to covid, it was closed off from the public, appointment only for people looking into the program, and very low key. I kind of loved it, though, because it meant less people walking through my brand new house.
Click here for a video tour.
During the day before the afternoon open house, Daylen packed up the rest of our things at our apartment and I deep cleaned the house again so it was all ready to go! I was also really excited to take a virtual tour video since most of our family is out of state and won't be able to see our house for a while! You can view it at the bottom of this blog post.
We finally got our certificate of occupancy after the open house and could move in! So exciting. We also got our total hours worked certificate and between us and our amazing volunteers, we clocked the most hours of anyone in our group! This has been quite a long and hard process, but it's so worth it now that we are living in our house.

Next we have a little over a month to get our white vinyl fence up and then we'll finish our backyard in the spring!