A few Saturdays ago, we woke up and decided to go on a four wheeler ride to Mount Logan Peak! We've lived in Cache Valley more than 5 years now and have never been up there, but always wanted to. We've driven the long dirt road a few years ago from Right Hand Fork in Logan Canyon to Left Hand Fork in Blacksmith Fork Canyon, but we were in our truck. When we got to the middle and saw the fork to Logan Peak and Ephraim's Grave, we decided not to drive up without a four wheeler. So this year, we rode our four wheeler up Left Hand Fork and up the long road to the top of Mount Logan.

The road up to the middle of the forks is full of campsites and fall trees. It was so pretty! There were a lot more people than I thought would be camping after labor day. Fall rides are definitely the best of the year!
We stopped close to the top at a lookout point for lunch. It was so pretty! We could see Logan through the trees way down below us. Bridgette was having a blast, she loves four wheeler rides and running through the mountains. It was such a pretty day, not a cloud in the sky. I love the fresh mountain air! I'm so glad I brought my HydroJug, it was enough water to last us all day on the ride.
We had phone service at this point again, so we looked up where the peak was. When we saw, it looked so far from where we were. It's a really long road! Very narrow and rocky as well. Some people go on this road in jeeps and SUVs, but I think I'd only go on our four wheeler. We did pass by a few cars going up.
Once we made it to the top it was so gorgeous. You can see the entire Cache Valley, the Wellsville mountains, Idaho, and some of Tremonton! We were lucky and went on a clear-ish day when there was no smoke. It was so cool to see everything from above!
There is a big satellite tower and generator at the very top. That's how you know you've made it all the way to the peak. Daylen's work, Apogee, has some scientific sensors up on the tower and Daylen pointed them out to me! Pretty cool.
We had so much fun in the mountains! Next up we want to take a ride to Ephraim's Grave, the notorious big bear that terrorized Cache Valley many years ago.