Did you know there are fireflies in Utah? When I was growing up, we would travel to Ohio once or twice a year to visit family. If we went around my birthday in June I got to see fireflies! In the west, we don't really have fireflies so this was always very exciting for me. There are thousands, flying around lighting up. Especially in my grandpa's yard out in the forest! I'd catch them and keep them in my room for the night as a night light and release them in the morning.

I had never seen a firefly in Utah, though, until this summer in Cache Valley! Nibley is one of the only places out west to see fireflies! They live in a marsh-y area called Firefly Park. There aren't very many, and they are very rare for Utah. So you can't catch them, and they ask that you don't shine too many lights or leave your headlights on so as not to disturb them. Firefly Park also is a Monarch Butterfly habitat!
In June, the park hosts a Monarch Butterfly festival, which has booths, activities for kids, music and treats. Stokes Nature Center also hosts tours and activities to learn more about the monarchs and fireflies and their habitats.
Fireflies are little beetles that communicate by lighting up for short bursts of time. They don't stay lit as they fly, it's more of a Morse code. They come out between about 9:30pm and 10:30pm, and they're best seen on nights with a New Moon. They are very dim! You have to look pretty closely to see them in the marsh. And they are closer to the ground than you'd think.
You can park at either Firefly Park or Heritage Park right next door, and head to the border between the two parks to see them. There is a sidewalk and boardwalk path that takes you through the marsh where you can view the fireflies. We saw a lot to the sides of the big willow tree! There are also big towers you can go stand on and look down at them.
Daylen hadn't ever seen a firefly in his life, and had no idea what to expect. He thought they were super cool! He was surprised they don't stay lit, just come on for a few seconds and then off again.
The fireflies are mostly out at the end of June and very beginning of July. We first went out on June 20 and there were quite a few. You may have a few more days to go see them! Add Firefly Park to your list this summer! And make sure you check out my "Exploring Utah" category for more fun things to do.
Note: please be very respectful of the fireflies and their environment. Bright lights can confuse them, and cause them to not mate, therefore ending generations. Stay on the path to not disrupt their environment. They survive on a good environment and dark skies.