Bryce Canyon National Park. Walk up to the viewing spots and it's sensory overload. Never in a million years could I ever take in everything at Bryce Canyon. It truly is the definition of beauty in nature!

I went to Bryce this week with my dad and Daylen during USU Spring Break. After some photos at the top, we did a five mile hike along the Navajo Loop and Peekaboo Loop trails, and let me tell you it was not an easy five miles. My legs have never hurt more in my life. But it was so worth it! The views were AMAZING. You know the hike is hard when they give you a sticker for completing it in the gift shop.

I shot photos of the red rocks from the top in the morning, causing a beautiful pink glow on the higher rocks. The photos I took around mid-day didn't make the professional album because of the angle of the sun, but I kept the ones I took of us hiking for personal use. I gave Daylen my film camera to take some photos and he loved it! I've never seen him want to take photos before. We'll have to wait until we use up the film to get them developed, so check my Instagram story this month to see the film shots. Overall it was a really fun trip, one that I have been waiting to bring my camera on for a long time.

I, of course, filled up my SD Card with beautiful views of the red rocks. Here are some of my favorites:
See more about Bryce Canyon National Park and a guide here.