We tried out a meal planning delivery service for the first time EVER! First of all, I'd like you to know this post is in no way sponsored by Hello Fresh. I was lucky enough to score a free Hello Fresh box (normally around $60) that included three pre portioned meals that Daylen and I chose. We were super excited to try it! The meals looked super good online.

We chose Pepperjack Turkey Burgers, Mushroom Ravioli, and Old Bay Buttered Chicken. It's super easy! They send you all the ingredients you'll need and a recipe card. It was super cool that they all came in the perfect proportions and included everything from meat to seasoning! The only things we had to have on hand were water, vegetable oil, and butter.
I especially loved how they came with fresh vegetables that I got to cut exactly how I like. It was fun making fries and such from the little potatoes. All of the ingredients were so yummy and fresh!
The easiest meal, the ravioli, took about 15 minutes to make. The hardest, the burgers, took maybe 30 minutes to make. Most of the time was taken up by making the sides from scratch. So easy and fast! I couldn't believe how easy it was. My favorite was the Old Bay Chicken and Daylen's favorite was the Mushroom Ravioli.
They were all super yummy though, we didn't have one we didn't like. Clean up was pretty easy too. I put all the garbage and cuttings I didn't use back into the paper bag to throw away. The whole box and ice pack it comes with are recyclable too!
I'm super glad I tried it and we will definitely be getting another box soon. Our first box came with cards for a free box of five meals to give to our friends so they can enjoy it too! I can't wait to see what meals we will get next. It was so fun to try this, especially when Daylen and I got to cook together. It was like a date night at home!