This past weekend, we headed down to Layton for a Formal Session I had on Sunday at Antelope Island. My mom and Rob were planning on going to the Wild West BBQ Shoot Out in Wendover on Saturday so we decided to go with them!
First, we stopped by the Bonneville Salt Flats. I have driven by them before, but I hadn't actually stepped on the flats before. We got out at a rest stop, and it was pretty cool! I've always wanted to do a photo session here too, which I hope to do in the next year. Shirt: Bohme Boutique, shoes: Big Lots (on sale right now!).
We got to Wendover hungry, and immediately went to the BBQ Shoot Out. It's a contest between food trucks that travel from all over. You pay in coins, and the truck with the most coins wins! I picked a burger truck, and got the best cheeseburger I've ever had, and garlic fries. I'm not a fan of BBQ Sauce, hence the burger. Everyone else went to a place called Big Johnson's BBQ, that is coming to Layton! Daylen loved the pulled pork and their signature sauce, and said he's excited there will finally be a BBQ place in Layton. It was all yummy! Daylen: hat - Cameron Hanes, shirt - Guess, boots - Ariat. Abby: shoes - Chacos, necklace - Made By Mary.

After the BBQ, we went over to the Rainbow Casino. Rob plays blackjack well, and he showed a few things to Daylen. Daylen lasted pretty long, but came out with $1. It was fun!
On Sunday, we relaxed in the morning, and then headed to my Formal Session! I was very excited to shoot at Antelope Island, it's one of my favorite locations. Unfortunately, a big black rain cloud was above us the whole time, but luckily it didn't rain! Daylen second shot for me, and since he's been shooting weddings with me all year, I added him to my website and he made an Instagram! Check out all of the photos he's taken on IG.

Here are some sneak peeks: