Independence Day is one of my favorite holidays! We always have so much fun BBQ-ing, watching parades and fireworks, and hanging out with family. Daylen's birthday is the 3rd, so that makes it even more fun! Every year on his birthday, we go to an Ogden Raptors baseball game.
We started our holiday at the baseball game. I've been going to Raptors games since I was a kid, and they're my favorite sporting event by far. You're just so close to everything, there's lots of foul balls, and everyone gets really involved. We go every year on Daylen's birthday, and usually they play the Idaho Falls Chuckars. The Raptors are a farm team for the LA Dodgers, Daylen's favorite baseball team! Our best friend from high school, Savannah comes with us, and this year, my mom and her boyfriend Rob came. It was a lot of fun! I recommend the garlic fries. ;)
The game ended in a short fireworks show at about 11:00pm. It was a long game this year! Unfortunately the Raptors lost despite a huge comeback in the bottom of the ninth.

The next day was the Fourth of July! We spent the daytime playing with Daylen's old pickup truck, a 1970 Ford F250. Later, we celebrated Daylen's 21st birthday, along with Ashlyn (turned 4 on July 2) and Mason (turned 13 on June 28). Three cakes and three sets of presents! Pictured below: Aspen (4 yrs. almost 5), Ashlyn (4 yrs.) and I, Daylen's American flag cake.
After that was my favorite part of Independence Day! Fireworks!! I had some fun with my camera settings taking different photos of the fireworks. The first two were taken with a shutter speed of 5 and 4 seconds, and the third is with a shutter speed of 1/500 seconds.
We had such a fun holiday! All we need to do now is go camping and it'll be complete.